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Meet Lindsey Izzo

Leadership Development Program Participant

Lindsey Izzo, Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning Manager, joined the LPD program in 2020. For her first rotation, she moved eleven hours away from her home in Belle Vernon, PA to Tewksbury, MA.

" I was attracted to Evoqua and the LDP by the unique opportunities they had to offer. Being an integral part of a team that would be working on high visibility projects while moving around the country was a new and exciting experience that I was eager to embrace. " 

Lindsey Izzo | Sales, Inventory, and Operations Manager

From 2020 to 2022, Lindsey worked at three Evoqua locations; Tewksbury Massachusetts; Holland Michigan; and Conroe Texas.

“During my time in the program, I received mentorship from colleagues on many different levels, from my direct peers to VPs and everyone in between” she said. “Not only did the responsibility and involvement required by the position elevate my professional skills, but I also found that living in new places every eight months and experiencing different cultures helped my personal development flourish. The relocation allowed me to learn how to work with people from vastly different backgrounds and recognize the differences between each geographical region I lived in. I loved that while going from plant to plant, I was able to take the best practices that I learned in one place and share them with the next.”

Lindsey developed technical skills and business knowledge by immersing herself into various roles

At the end of her 2-year program, Lindsey was offered a position on the APT Supply Chain team. She now works at Evoqua’s Headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA.

“After working in so many different areas of the business, including operations, supply chain and internal project management, I knew I wanted to utilize my experiences in my next position upon completion of the program”, she said. “My current role as a Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning Manager allows me to aid in unifying our processes across our four manufacturing plants in the US, as well as provide support for our three international plants. Overall, I would say that accepting a position outside of my initial comfort zone proved to be exciting, challenging, and rewarding.”

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