
Evoqua United States - Canada - EN


Mobile water treatment options for construction projects

Construction sites aren't just municipal or residential; construcion sites can be on heavy industrial sites like refineries or chemical plants, on military bases or marine ports. Each site may have water and vapor issues and can have a unique sets of requirements based on region, environmental regulation, footprint, discharge, timeframe and even vapor-related requirements.

From wastewater treatment, solids handling, dewatering, and vapor control, we have emergency and mobile solutions available for temporary, site-specific projects or longer-term developments. Whether the need is trench dewatering, dredge spoils for harbor cleanup, or tank degassing we have effective, mobile solutions.

We can mitigate contaminants such as PFAS and other emerging contaminants from construction sites, as well as treat water for hydrocarbons, mercury, iron and other metals, hexavalent chromium, chlorine, pH, PCB’s, dyes and algae. For sites that include storage tanks we provide effective vapor control solutions.

Construction Site Water Treatment

Evoqua's mobile units can mitigate contaminants that take your water out of compliance, or remove solids from surface waters on construction sites.

Evoqua's Mobile Solids Removal System

Mobile units can remove solids from job site water in a wide range of applications.

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Request a Proposal

Contact Evoqua for information on available solutions.

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