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The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Optimizing Odor Control Chemical Dose Rates

Improving odor control with smart technology

White Paper: The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Optimizing Odor Control Chemical Dose Rates

Deekshitha Adapa, Calvin Horst, Robert Noel, Devin Link

Evoqua Water Technologies, Monroe Township Utility Department, Plutoshift

Wastewater collection systems are a complex infrastructure of gravity lines, manholes, lift stations, and force mains that convey sewage from remote locations to wastewater treatment plants. Hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) is a foul smelling, toxic, and corrosive gas that can result in septic conditions and corrosion in the collection system, leading to weakening of the pipes and potential collapses if left unattended.

This paper explores the novel use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques along with advanced dosing controllers in order to optimize odor control chemical dose rates. This significantly reduces the time and effort required to maintain H2S compliance and more effectively protects wastewater collection systems from harmful corrosion.

Continue reading this WEFTEC 2022 White Paper to learn more.



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