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Chasing chip circularity: reclaiming water in fabs intensifies

Rapid expansion is moving the industry toward ultrapure water reuse

GWI Article: Chasing chip circularity: reclaiming water in fabs intensifies

The US Semiconductor industry is experiencing a manufacturing boom with increased competition for resources and demanding water requirements. In addition, impending sustainability targets for 2030 are driving fabs to start planning for ultrapure water (UPW) reuse. This Global Water Intelligence (GWI) article by Georgia Bottomley explores the current market conditions and whether fabs are ready to tackle UPW reuse.

Source: Semiconductor Industry Association; World Resource Institute

Water treatment technologies that incorporate monitoring and measurement of key variables will be essential in moving forward with reclaimed water. “Metrology has always been and will remain one of our biggest challenges as we are looking for contaminants in the parts per trillion,” noted Alan Knapp, senior director of microelectronics.

Advancements in digital technologies are a key component in monitoring contaminants and optimizing performance. Evoqua’s Sophis™ Digital Services is named in the article as one of these technologies. Sophis digital services mitigates risk by continuously monitoring system performance; utilizing predictive data analytics to anticipate problems and optimize efficiency. This ensures reliable, ultrapure water for maximum production uptime.

Read the full article to learn more. 


Note: A subscription to GWI magazine is required to access the article or you can register to sample 3 pieces of digital content. More information is available on the GWI website. 

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