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Digital Water Management Optimizes Central Sterile Processing Operation

Providing reliable water quality and system performance

Next Generation Water Treatment

Advances in digital technology have led to the next generation of water purification solutions for central sterile processing. 

Vantage® SPD Solutions fully integrate water purification, distribution and data monitoring for reliable water quality and system performance.

  • SUSTAINABLE: Maximum up-time
  • PURE: Consistent high-quality water
  • DIGITAL: Critical performance data

Vantage SPD Solutions are specifically designed to produce water that meets AAMI TIR34: Water Quality Specifications for Medical Device Reprocessing.1  Monitoring water quality is a key component of TIR34, and digitally enabled technology can now provide critical quality and performance data for sterile processing departments.

This solution ensures reliable water quality and optimal system performance which provides worry-free water to central sterile processing departments.

Digital Water Management

Water One® services provides a unique solution for customers by combining key technologies with outcome-based water guarantees. Digital water management provides a process guarantee, monthly data reports to support audits and proactive service.

PROACTIVE SERVICE - With the largest service network in North America, Evoqua’s highly trained professionals will proactively manage the operation and maintenance of your water system, with the latest digital tools and technology.

DATA INTELLIGENCE - Real-time data analytics for system optimization include water quality, water use, system status, predictive maintenance and alarm conditions.

PROVEN TECHNOLOGY - 24/7/365 remote monitoring of your water treatment system.

When combined with the Vantage SPD solution, Water One services ensures that you have the quality of water you need - when you need it.


1. “Critical Water” quality as defined in AAMI TIR34: 2014/(R)2017, Table 1 — Categories and Recommended Levels of Water Quality for Medical Device Reprocessing

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