
Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

Performance and Validation

For Evoqua's Disinfection Systems

Evoqua UV disinfection generator systems undergo third-party validation testing in accordance with the UVDGM (USEPA, 2006).  Validated products are tested to confirm a minimum inactivation equivalent of 3 log (99.9%) for microorganisms in accordance with NSF/ANSI 50 and the UVDGM.  Performance is not claimed nor implied for any product not yet validated; unvalidated products use single point summation calculations to provide delivered dose recommendations.  Performance limitations depend on feed conditions, overall installed system design, and operation and maintenance processes; please refer to Operations Manuals.  For more information: Contactus@wlkbv.cn

Ozone: Evoqua Ozone Generation systems undergo factory acceptance testing to ensure they are capable of producing the desired ozone concentration, based on operational parameters outline in the Operating Manual.  System performance of microorganism inactivation depends on the CT value, pH, and temperature of water.  Performance limitations depend on feed conditions, overall installed system design, and operation and maintenance processes; please refer to Operations Manuals.  For more information: Contactus@wlkbv.cn

Evoqua OSEC® systems are designed to produce 0.65-1% sodium hypochlorite under normal operating conditions.  With less than one minute of contact time, the OSEC®-produced concentration range (6,500-10,000ppm) is significantly higher than the concentration requirements to meet industry standards for microorganism inactivation and disinfection.  Specific disinfection rates depends on dose, concentration and time (CT value), pH, and water temperature.  Performance limitations depend on feed conditions, overall installed system design, and operation and maintenance processes; please refer to Operations Manuals.  For more information: Contactus@wlkbv.cn

Evoqua’s Chlorine Dioxide Generation systems make no claim regarding disinfection.  These systems apply EPA-registered chlorine dioxide precursor chemicals, for which the generation of chlorine dioxide used as a disinfectant for microbial control in water is presented on the labels’ directions for use.  Performance limitations depend on feed conditions, overall installed system design, and operation and maintenance processes; please refer to Operations Manuals.  For more information: Contactus@wlkbv.cn

Evoqua’s Gas Feed systems make no claim regarding disinfection.  These systems apply EPA-registered pesticides (e.g., chlorine) which may be used as a disinfectant for microbial control in water, which is presented on the labels’ directions for use.  Performance limitations depend on feed conditions, overall installed system design, and operation and maintenance processes; please refer to Operations Manuals.  For more information: Contactus@wlkbv.cn

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