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PFAS Resource Guide

Convenient Listing of Research and Solutions for PFAS and Other Emerging Contaminants

If you’re a water producer such as a municipal drinking water facility or district, or a military base the topic of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) can be very confusing. PFAS are a group of synthetic chemicals that are found in everyday products, take decades to break down and have found their way into our soil and water sources.

If you’ve discovered PFAS or other contaminants in your source water this guide will save you time doing research on our web site. You will find information from the basic (What is PFAS and why is it bad?) to the advanced (webinars with case studies), all in an effort to help you understand what it is and what your options are to treat your source water.

Evoqua has been treating PFAS and other emerging contaminants for over two decades. From pilot testing, mobile and emergency response, through systems integration, follow-up services and monitoring, we have proven solutions that can mitigate your source water to non-detect levels of targeted PFAS, and meet your treatment goals.

Our guide is broken into categories for easy viewing. It has been updated to include recent product launches such as the MitiGATOR™ mobile unit for potable water, and case studies related to PFAS and other emerging contaminants.

You will find in this listing:

  • Infographics
  • Case studies with testimonials
  • Videos related to PFAS solutions
  • Webinars on the topic of PFAS and other emerging contaminant mitigation
  • Information on general groundwater remediation and environmental remediation (air, soil, water)

Get the PFAS Resource Guide

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