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UV Disinfection and Advanced Oxidation

A new way of tackling old problems

Modern wastewater and drinking water facilities face an array of complex and sometimes contradictory problems. On one hand, they need to treat microorganisms that are becoming increasingly chlorine tolerant while driving down the disinfection byproducts caused by high doses of chlorine. While on the other, treat the new contaminants that are emerging, such as pesticides caused by intensive land use, pharmaceutical products consumed in increasing quantities by an aging population, or synthetic organics washing into the aquifer. These emerging contaminants are referred to as Compounds of Emerging Concern (CEC).

Water scarcity will lead to relying more on the reuse of water and has accelerated the urgency to develop and add process barriers to remove these contaminants from the water supply without exacerbating this issue. Few conventional drinking water treatment processes can address these emerging issues and almost no conventional municipal wastewater processes are capable of targeting these problematic compounds.

Download the white paper to learn more about contaminants of emerging concern, Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) and the recent findings of a study using an UV mediated AOP in combination with an advanced electrode upstream the UV lamps.

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