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Wastewater Compliance and Sustainability

Considerations for effective wastewater treatment in metal finishing

Wastewater Compliance and Sustainability

By Chris Riley and Mark Korzenecki

Metal processing, which includes cleaning, finishing (anod-izing, electroplating, etc.) and forming, ultimately results in metal contaminants in the processing wastewaters. Heavy metals such as arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and others are typically present in metal processing wastewaters and require removal prior to discharge due to their potentially negative health effects in the environment.

Further treatment beyond metals-removal can produce water that can be reused, thus improving the sustainability of the manufacturing process. This article will provide a brief overview of compliance and sustainability considerations for the effective treatment of metal-bearing wastewaters.




Authors: Chris Riley, Technical Services Director, Evoqua Water Technologies and Mark Korzenecki, Business Development Manager, Evoqua Water Technologies

Source: Products Finishing, Wastewater Compliance and Sustainability, April 2022

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