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Water Purification Solution Cuts Costs for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers

Improving operating costs for process water while maintaining quality

Maintaining control of water quality, especially microbiological quality, is a major concern in the pharmaceutical industry. The United States Pharmacopeia and other pharmacopeias require that manufacturers start with drinking water and then purify it to specific standards depending on its use. Compliance with standards/regulations as well as internal water quality specifications is essential for ensuring patient safety on many levels as water is used as an excipient, for cleaning, reconstitution, analytical work and more.

Modern water systems are essential for helping manufacturers ensure standards for water quality are met, yet such systems can require significant investments to maintain and operate. This article explores how one company was able to significantly reduce the time, effort, and resources devoted to running its water purification system, all while maintaining standards for high-quality water.



Source: Pharmaceutical Technology

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