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Water Reuse and Wastewater

No one knows the water market like Magneto and specialised anodes are leading the market

Water is a precious natural resource and as the population rises, demand for water is leading to increased reuse of brackish water and treated process and wastewaters. Magneto has been supporting operators worldwide with innovative anode technology to effectively treat water for over six decades.

Central to the reuse of brackish water is electrodialysis (reversal) (ED), an electrochemical technology that enables the removal of salts from these waters. The driving force in electrodialysis is provided by an electric field applied by electrodes over a membrane stack. Magneto offers the optimal electrodes for ED(R) of brackish water, as well as wastewater effluents.

To enable reuse of treated wastewater, a tertiary treatment step is required to remove remaining inorganic materials and/or to disinfect the treated wastewater. Electrochemical oxidation and disinfection using titanium-based electrodes eliminates these substances and pathogens through direct and indirect oxidation processes. Electrochemical oxidation and disinfection can also be used for the removal of pathogens (e.g. legionella) in cooling water circuits.

Furthermore, Magneto’s electrodes are used for electroflotation, the generation of oxygen and hydrogen gas bubbles to physically separate contaminants from process and wastewaters. Magneto can provide the electrodes for the electrochemical reactor for wastewater effluent and cooling water treatment.

For all of these treatment types, Magneto’s market-leading anodes offer proven quality and reliability. Their long-life span means low maintenance for operators and less downtime for the plants.

We understand this market like no other and work closely with customers to produce the right anode specification for their individual application and treatment requirements. This extensive knowledge of the industry makes us the partner of choice for operators globally.

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