
Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

UV Solution Mitigates Microbiological Corrosion for CEMEX

ATG™ UV WWTP to disinfect effluent wastewater and protect against corrosion

CEMEX is one of the world’s leading cement producers and suppliers of building materials. In order to limit their manufacturing footprint in terms of process water usage, CEMEX UK sourced their water from the final settlement lagoons of their local wastewater treatment plant, Anglian Water.


Evoqua was approached by CEMEX UK to supply a containerized ATG™ UV wastewater treatment plant to disinfect 125 m3/hr of effluent wastewater which would protect against the microbial induced corrosion of their pipe work and equipment.


Following a successful pilot trial, the ATG™ product family would provide a mobile containerized UV plant featuring a high output low pressure 8 x 800-Watt amalgam UVLW UV system, sized to provide a >3 log (99.9%) reduction of general aerobic bacteria, sulphate reducing bacteria (SRBs) and anti-biotic resistant bacteria (ARBs).

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