
Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

Carbon Mobile Units Help Refinery Remove Contaminants

Evoqua successfully removes contaminants from a crude oil pipeline and achieves clean water defined by the discharge permit


An oil & gas customer in West Texas approached our hydrotest team to perform water treatment from a crude oil pipeline. The discharge permit required the removal of benzene, oil and grease, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, total suspended solids, total residual chlorine and pH.

We worked through the details of the project with the customer then engaged our applications engineering team to develop the treatment solution. Our client requested the system be designed to operate at a flow rate of 250 GPM and total volume of treated water to be 4,000,000 gallons.



The discharge permit required the removal of benzene, oil and grease, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, total suspended solids, total residual chlorine and pH.


Evoqua's engineering team designed a mobile solution that meet the client's water specifications.

We filled the system with clean water and successfully operated it during two treatment phases, for a total operation time of 11.5 days.

The customer specifically appreciated our consistent communication throughout the process.

" Evoqua's clear, consistent communication was very helpful, and their partnership was appreciated. "

Oil and Gas Customer, West Texas


The customer’s discharge requirements were met in a timely and efficient manner with safety protocols in place and without delays. Cleaned water was released into the waterway.

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Contact Evoqua for information on available solutions.

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