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Ozone Disinfection & Sanitization Upgrade for Pharmaceutical Facility

A Rancho Cucamonga pharmaceutical facility upgrades to a packaged ozone disinfection system designed to meet their specifications

Pharmaceutical companies are in high demand to manufacture and distribute high quality products in a timely and efficient manner so that they can offer them at competitive, yet affordable prices. In this case, one state-of-the-art sterile manufacturer of injectable, intranasal and inhalation products called on Evoqua to replace an aging disinfection system for its pure water supply.



The pharmaceutical facility has a variety of manufacturing and production capabilities supported by microbiology, chemistry and R&D laboratories. Clearly understanding what it will take to achieve their vision as an industry leader, they are vigilant in its investment in new R&D, the expansion of its current injectables and inhalation lines, and making production improvements to its delivery systems. Evoqua worked from very specific requirements provided to design a powerful, affordable and easy to integrate ozone disinfection system. Ozone technology delivers superior disinfection results with more process uptime, lower maintenance and operational costs, increased reliability, and improved life cycle management for ambient temperature purified-water systems like the one used in this production line.



Engineering, manufacturing and testing were completed in the Benicia, CA facility. With completion of FAT verification only requiring one day, the system was ready for on-site commissioning and start up.

The ambient temperature capability is important to company‘s production as their facility is located in the warm temperatures of southern California. The packaged ozone disinfection system is designed, tested and qualified precisely for this type of storage tank and loop sanitization process. All critical performance characteristics in the ozone process are measured with advanced software and feedback mechanisms for ease of operation and reliability.



The advanced and fully integrated monitoring and verification of all instrumentation and process parameters in real-time provides immediate information on the process and adherence to operating requirements specifications.

Project goals include;

  • Improve Performance to Meet Current Standards
  • Minimize Downtime
  • Upgrade to Modern, Efficient Equipment
  • Better Monitoring and Controls
  • Improve Safety of Employees
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