
Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

Soil and Groundwater Remediation

Removal of volatile and semi volatile organic compounds


Soil and Groundwater remediation projects often call for treatment of groundwater, soil vapor extraction condensate, soil vapor and other liquid and vapor streams for removal of volatile and semi volatile organic compounds. Evoqua's Carbonair has provided thousands of STAT Low Profile Air Strippers, liquid phase and vapor phase carbon vessels for remediation systems over our 30 plus years in business.




Evoqua's Carbonair designed and supplied two 1,000 gpm STAT 720 low profile air strippers operated in parallel to treat rock quarry water that had low concentrations of dissolved TCE. The groundwater from nearby plume migrated into the base of a rock quarry that required dewatering and treatment during the client’s rock crushing activities within the rock quarry.

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