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Evoqua's Carbonair Air Strippers

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Permanent, mobile and emergency solutions for treating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants in groundwater or drinking water purification applications.

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Permanent, mobile and emergency solutions for treating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollutants in groundwater or drinking water purification applications.

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Evoqua's Carbonair Air Strippers


Mobile and emergency water treatment of VOC's in groundwater and drinking water supplies. Our patented STAT Low Profile Air Strippers are ideally suited for removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water in a variety of applications including municipal drinking water treatment, groundwater remediation and industrial process and waste water treatment. Air stripping is a process that introduces air into the contaminated water in order to create an interface between the air and water surfaces.

Our large air stripper combines high removal efficiencies (99.9% or greater removal efficiencies for many VOCs), flexibility, ease of maintenance and durability with high flow rates. The Carbonair® line of highly efficient STAT Low Profile Air Strippers are now certified to meet the requirements of NSF/ANSI 61G. STAT air strippers are ideally suited for treatment of drinking water that is contaminated with volatile organic compounds including disinfection by-products like Chloroform, bromoform and other trihalomethanes.

The former Carbonair Environmental Systems Inc., now part of Evoqua, has been providing innovative and effective water treatment systems to our customers in the environmental, municipal, petroleum and construction industries for over 30 years. First introduced in 1992, our STAT low profile air strippers are a proven design that has been tested in thousands of applications in the US, Canada and Europe. STAT air strippers are ideally suited for economically removing volatile organic compounds including disinfection by-products, from drinking water. We currently have several STATs installed and operating in municipal drinking water plants in the US.


Types of Remediation

  • Groundwater Remediation
  • Disinfection By-Product Treatment in Drinking Water
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