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A Single-Source Solution Provider For Complex Challenges

Presented to the Wisconsin Dept of Natural Resources, PFAS Technical Working Group we illustrate how PFAS is best approached by a single-source provider.

States across the US are beginning to address the issue of PFAS and other emerging contaminants in their drinking water. Wisconsin is one of those states and legislation is being introduced to change the acceptable levels of PFAS and other contaminants. 

This webinar was open to the public and presented to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, PFAS Technocal Working Group and illustrated how a single-source solutions provider would approach the problem of PFAS and other emerging contaminants. Single-source solutions begin with pilot testing and end with follow-up services to ensure treatment goals are consistently met and drinking water remains safe.

PFAS, Other Emerging Contaminants

Presented to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - how a single-source provider would approach PFAS and other emerging contaminants

View the Webinar
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