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PFAS, Commercial Applications Presented to American Groundwater Trust

The viewer learns more about the health hazards of PFAS. Also the proven carbon and resin solutions to treat community water source or industrial waste water

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to treating water for PFAS. Each solution is dependent upon variables unique to each application. Join author, Dave Kempisty as he explores various situations that result in different removal solutions, for this presentation by Evoqua Water Technologies to the American Groundwater Trust.

PFAS Removal - Presented To American Groundwater Trust

Author David Kempisty presents an in-depth approach to removing PFAS from community water sources and industrial waste waters.

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About the Presenter

Caitlin M. Berretta, MEng, Environmental Solutions, Evoqua Water Technologies

Caitlin Berretta develops new and existing activated carbon opportunities for Evoqua Water Technologies. Prior to joining Evoqua, Caitlin helped to conceptualize and build an activated carbon start-up company that was acquired by Australian activated carbon company, Carbonxt. She served as the Marketing Director for both companies where she led the business development and marketing teams, primarily selling activated carbon to the power industry for mercury control. Caitlin holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering from the University of Florida.

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