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Shutdowns, Turnarounds & Planned Maintenance Events

Hydrocarbon Processing webinar: Fundamentals of Successful Turnarounds. Evoqua can be a single-source provider for water treatment and vapor-related projects.

Successful shutdowns, turnarounds and other planned maintenance events revolve around the idea that the projects are planned well in advance, and are executed on time and with no delays or issues.

This webinar hosted by Hydrocarbon Processing magazine is aptly titled: Fundamentals of Successful Turnarounds, and Evoqua's portion of the webinar is 30 minutes of detailed discussion of capabilities, reinforced by case studies and in-depth Q&A.

Learn how Evoqua can be your single-source provider of mobile water treatment of all types, as well as vapor control, with its new 50MM BTU thermal oxidizer. 

Scroll down for more informative videos.

Shutdowns, Turnarounds & Planned Maintenance Events

We can be your single-source provider of mobile water treatment, vapor control.

View The 30-Minute Webinar
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