
Evoqua United States - Canada - EN

Sustainable Water Solutions To Increase Yields and Improve Quality

New regulations and changes to sea-based aquaculture are driving the growth of land-based hatcheries. As our population grows, and together with climate change and more mindful consumerism, the demand for fish continues to evolve rapidly.

Today, aquaculture accounts for approximately half of the fish consumed worldwide. Meeting these growing demands is one of the most significant challenges facing the industry and it is therefore imperative that aquaculture is managed sustainably. Join this webinar to learn more about the importance of water quality in land-based hatcheries and how utilising sustainable treatment technologies to keep water clean and free from disease can increase yields in existing infrastructures.

Evoqua’s Diane White highlights opportunities to help farmers produce healthier and larger fish, increase yields, improve water quality, increase stock density and vastly reduce the risk of disease.




By viewing this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Discover the challenges and opportunities faced by global aquaculture
  • Learn why sustainable water solutions are essential for the protection and growth of this market.
  • Discover the technologies that are supporting land-based hatcheries and the enterprising ways farmers can enhance their water treatment process.

Webinar: Sustainable water solutions to increase yields and improve quality

This webinar reviews the importance of water quality in land-based hatcheries and how utilising sustainable treatment technologies to keep water clean and free from disease can increase yields in existing infrastructures. 

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About the Presenter

Diane White
Industrial Disinfection Sales Manager, Evoqua Water Technologies

Diane White is Regional Sales Manager for the Aquaculture Industry at Evoqua Water Technologies. With over 25 years of experience within the water treatment industry &; 12 years as a UV specialist, Diane is an expert in advanced treatment solutions to support the challenges facing the Aquaculture industry. Her knowledge spans a wide range of disinfection solutions including UV technology and Ozone systems.

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