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Industrial Wastewater Treatment with Low Profile Air Strippers

Evoqua's Carbonair’s STAT low profile air strippers are an ideal solution for removing VOCs in wastewater


Industrial process and wastewater can contain volatile organic compounds (VOCS) that can have a negative effect on the production process or downstream wastewater treatment processes. In these instances, it is often necessary to put treatment equipment in place to remove the VOCs. Evoqua's Carbonair’s STAT Low Profile Air Strippers are often an ideal solution to this problem. Evoqua's Carbonair has provided several STAT Low Profile Air Strippers for the treatment of Industrial wastewater.




This project included the use of three STAT 720 low profile airstrippers operated in parallel, each operated at a maximum flow rate of 1,000 gpm, to remove approximately 1,100 ppb dissolved Vinyl Chloride from an industrial manufacturer wastewater stream to acceptable discharge limits prior to discharge. The system operated at a maximum flow rate of 3,000 gpm with automatic controls.

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