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ATEX Certified Explosion Protected Generators

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Packaged UV generator option used where hazardous, explosive environments exist

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Removes the need to provide safe environments for UV disinfection equipment

Discontinued product

Packaged UV generator option used where hazardous, explosive environments exist

Removes the need to provide safe environments for UV disinfection equipment

Discontinued product


The high standards required by the offshore industry often require the need for ATEX certified systems for use in hazardous area zones 1 and 2. These generators require engineering beyond the specification of normal ultraviolet disinfection systems. ETS-UV™ generators have been engineered and designed for a range of ATEX certified duty/standby packaged products for the disinfection of drinking water and process water for use in harsh environments and hazardous zones 1 and 2 such as offshore platforms and ocean going shipping vessels. Skid or containerized packages are also available.



  • High specification ExD/ExE ultraviolet chambers using 316 stainless steel
  • Fully integrated ExD Spectra Control System


Disinfection of any water in a Hazardous Area

Disinfection Performance and Validation

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